Orange Kelp, Rocket and Chocolate Salad


  1. Toast the almonds or walnuts in a dry pan on a medium heat until golden, tossing occasionally, then tip into a bowl and leave to cool.

  2. Halve the vanilla pod lengthways and scrape out the seeds.

  3. Pour 4 tablespoons of water into a small pan on a high heat, add the sugar and the vanilla pod and seeds, then squeeze in the juice from 4 oranges. Leave to tick away for 5 to 8 minutes, or until thickened and reduced to a syrup.

  4. Meanwhile, peel and finely slice the remaining oranges and arrange nicely on a serving platter, ontop of the green leaves.

  5. Roughly chop the toasted nuts and pick the mint leaves.

  6. Pour the syrup over the oranges, then scatter over the nuts and mint leaves.

  7. Spinkle with Golden Kelp graules and ricotta cheese crumbs.

  8. Using a sharp knife, carefully scrape over a few shavings of chocolate, then serve.


  • 3 heaped teaspoons of Golden Kelp granules of choice

  • 20g blanched almonds or walnuts

  • 1 vanilla pod

  • 100g of crumbly ricotta cheese

  • 1 teaspoon golden caster or brown sugar
    - Brown sugar is less processed.

  • 8 oranges, or blood oranges for less sweet / more tang (or tangerines!)

  • a few sprigs of fresh mint

  • 50 g quality dark chocolate, (70% or higher to reduce the sugar content).

  • 200g of rocket leaves or a rocket, lettuce and baby spinach mix.

GET CREATIVE with sides.

Change the Salad world as you know it this Easter. This gluten free, vibrant, refreshing salad looks beautiful on the plate and is really simple to prepare.

Add round slices with nuts, kelp and crumbly ricotta for a vibrant side ganrish.


Inspired By Jamie Oliver, to view his salad recipes, click HERE.